Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Selective Mutism?

Selective mutism is an anxiety disorder where a person (See what I did there? Person? I'm not going to limit it to just a 'child' like almost every google search definition on the internet. Teenagers and even adults can definitely have it) can talk just fine when comfortable eg. at the comfort of ones home or with a trusted family member or friend, however cannot talk to other people who are outside of their comfort zone.

For kids this can be at school with teachers or other students, public places, outside of home or even in their own home. When put on the spot the entire body will freeze like in a tense and stone like way. Vocal chords completely shut down snd go stiff. Selective mutism is indeed a fear of speaking, depending on your surroundings and level of comfort. It will time to warm up to someone. People with selective mutism are pretty much the type that are shy and quiet at first, then may become outgoing once comfortable.

Selective mutism is like social anxiety on steroids. It isn't just being shy, or quiet. It is a condition that effects one's daily life. A shyness so bad you wind up feel alienated from everyone else growing up. I don't know why they call it selective mutism either, we do not CHOOSE not to talk. It's like a greater force that prevents you from physically speaking when you really wish you could and literally have an answer on the tip of your tongue.

To put it short, selective mutism is an anxiety disorder in which a child, adolescent or even adult is capable of speech but cannot speak to new or certain people/groups outside of their own comfort zone, thus going 'mute.'

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Stepping out of anxiety

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